Maps on this page were prepared for the Audubon Society of Greater Denver by Courtney Morrissey. Click on maps to display larger 2200×1700 pixel versions, which have file sizes of between 1.2 and 1.9 megabytes.
Overall Map
Area Maps
Habitat Maps
The following maps show critical habitat used by several key species.
Spatial data are not available for many animal species that frequent the rich habitat surrounding Chatfield Reservoir. Even a small alteration, reduction, or fragmentation of habitat can dramatically degrade the conditions that sustain these species.
Species that currently use habitat that would be altered by reallocation plans include but are not limited to:
Mammals: Beavers, black bears, coyotes, mule deer, mountain lions, bobcats, skunks, raccoons, cottontail rabbits.
Reptiles and Amphibians: Painted turtles, snapping turtles, prairie rattlesnakes, racerunners, milk snakes, northern leopard frogs.
Birds: Least flycatcher, American redstart, Cooper’s hawk, red-tailed hawk, great horned owl, long-eared owl, northern saw-whet owl, black-billed magpie, yellow-billed cuckoo, western wood-pewee, black-capped chickadee, Wilson’s snipe, and American dipper. Some of these birds are rare Colorado breeders and found only in the area that would be flooded.